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In Maya, how can I delete with python some object in the node Mash/Repro?

I have 56 objects in my node repromesh.

I have listed all the attributes of this node, but can't figure how to delete one (or all) the object in order to replace them with another.

There are some attribute like : instancedGroup.instancedMesh but no value/type I can find to access it.

enter image description here


  • Quite complex one : (EDIT : solution for delete all in the bottom)

    if you go to this python file (i found this module by turning on echo all, while removing item) :


    You will find the mash script and the pieces where they call the UI.

    import maya.OpenMayaUI as mui
    from shiboken2 import wrapInstance 
    usingPyside2 = False
        import PySide2
        usingPyside2 = True
    from flux.imports import *
    from flux.core import pix
    import flux.core as fx
    import mash_repro_utils
    from mash_repro_icons import MASH_REPRO_ICONS
    from functools import partial
    import MASH.undo as undo
    def get_maya_window():
        ptr = mui.MQtUtil.mainWindow()
        if ptr is not None:
            return wrapInstance(long(ptr), qt.QMainWindow)
    def refresh_all_aetemplates(force=False):
        """ Refresh all the repro aetemplates"""
        widgets = get_maya_window().findChildren(AEMASH_ReproTemplate) or []
        for widget in widgets:
            global SCENE_OPENED
            SCENE_OPENED = True
            widget.update_data(widget.node, force=force)
            SCENE_OPENED = False

    here is a way to find the repro node :

    widgets = get_maya_window().findChildren(qt.QWidget, 'AEMASH_ReproTemplate') or []
    myRepro = widgets[0]

    'myRepro' is now the class of the mash repro node.

    The Qtreewidget representing your nodes is :


    you can use from this other class derived from qtree :

    # work only on selection, if you want to modify this command, maybe create your own add_sel_bjects(self, objs=[])
    # work only on the selection in the qtree widget
    # you can use qtree functions instead :
    # myRepro.objs_widget.clear()
    items_count = myRepro.objs_widget.topLevelItemCount()

    In the delete_item methods, there is this

    mash_repro_utils.remove_mesh_group(myRepro.objs_widget.node, id)
    mash_repro_utils.remove_proxy_group(self.node, self.instance_index, id)

    I didn't had time to investigate but from there, you find :

    # Result: 'maya_path/plug-ins/MASH/scripts/' # 

    Go there and there is all the maya python mash functions :

    def remove_proxy_group(mash_repro_node, instance_index, index):
        Remove a proxy object from the Repro node
        :param mash_repro_node: MASH Repro node
        :param instance_index: Object index
        :param index: Proxy index
        :return: None
        with ReproUpdating(mash_repro_node):
            data = get_data_layout(mash_repro_node)
            indices = data[instance_index]['proxies'].keys()
            if index in indices:
                position = indices.index(index)
                for i in range(position, len(indices)):
                    clean_proxy_index(mash_repro_node, instance_index, indices[i])
                for i in range(position + 1, len(indices)):
                    if 'group' in data[instance_index]['proxies'][indices[i]]:
                        new_index = connect_proxy_group(mash_repro_node, data[instance_index]['proxies'][indices[i]]['group'], instance_index)
                        maya.cmds.setAttr("%s.instancedGroup[%d].proxyGroup[%d].proxyLod" % (mash_repro_node, instance_index, new_index), data[instance_index]['proxies'][indices[i]]['proxyLod'])
                        hasMASHFlag = maya.cmds.objExists('%s.mashOutFilter' % (data[instance_index]['proxies'][indices[i]]['group']))
                        if hasMASHFlag:
                            maya.cmds.deleteAttr( data[instance_index]['proxies'][indices[i]]['group'], at='mashOutFilter' )

    You should be able to investigate from there.

    You could just make your own delete_all, like this also:

    items_count = myRepro.objs_widget.topLevelItemCount()
    for id in sorted(range(items_count), reverse=True):
        mash_repro_utils.remove_mesh_group(myRepro.objs_widget.node, id)