I want to show the time elapsed from a certain point in my view. I am using the Chronometer
class for that.
The issue is, however, that after one hour, it goes to show "1:00:00", but I want it to show 60:00 and so on (like after 80 minutes it should be 80:00 and not 1:20:00)
I have tried using SimpleDateFormat
class with "mm:ss" formatting. Sure, it doesn't show the hour, but after an hour it just goes to 00:00 and so on.
Is there a solution for this, such as a custom formatter in Java that I can use?
So this is the solution I came up with after combining @parliament's answer:
// This is my base time for the chronometer
baseTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - (new Date().getTime() - myInitialTimeInMillis);
Date baseDate = new Date(baseTime);
chronometer.setOnChronometerTickListener(chronometer1 -> {
baseTime += 1000;
This is my common util method for getting formatted time:
public static String getTimeInMinuteSecondFormat(Date date) {
String displayTime = getHourMinuteSecondFormatDate(date);
String[] splitDisplayTime = displayTime.split(":");
if (Integer.valueOf(splitDisplayTime[0]) <= 0) {
return splitDisplayTime[1] + ":" + splitDisplayTime[2];
} else {
return (Integer.valueOf(splitDisplayTime[0]) * 60) + Integer.valueOf(splitDisplayTime[1]) + ":" + splitDisplayTime[2];
Works like a charm! Thanks @parliament