I am trying to get all the info of a .wav file by interpreting it as a text file, but using the next code:
import wave
w = wave.open('C:/Users/jorge/Desktop/Programas/Python/Datos/Si_Canciones/NSYNC - Its Gonna Be Me.wav', 'r') # :P
for i in range(5000):#w.getnframes()):
frame = w.readframes(i)
It prints all as I want, but at the end I get something like this:
#And the b''s continue for a while
I would like to add something like this in the for, so I don't get rid off those b''s:
if (something):
But I don't know what that "something" could be. Can someone help me with it? :/
(I stay tuned to your answers and wish you a nice week)
The most obvious answer would be
if frame==b"":
But as stated in the docs, there is also a method that gives you the amount of frames; so you might want to use that; enabling you to only iterate through the existing frames. I'm not familiar with the module though.