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How do I estimate the error while using pykalman for Kalman regression?

I'm using pykalman for regression, but I would like to estimate the error of the regression coefficient. Specifiacally, we have the following expressions:

Y(t) = B(t)X(t) + v

where the regression coefficient (B) itself is a random process given by:

B(t) = B(t-1) + w

So the "noise" I'm dealing with is given by v and w, representing gaussian noise where:

w ~ N(0, Q)

v ~ N(0, R)

Now - I would like detrmine the signal/noise ratio expressed as Q / R. My question is how to extract these values from the pykalman process. Currently, my code only returns the regression coefficient, but how to I get hold of Q and R?

 def UpdateKalman(self, ins1, ins2):
        obs_mat = np.array([[ins1, 1.0]])
        means, covs = self.kf.filter_update(self.previous_state_means.T,

        self.previous_state_covs = covs
        self.previous_state_means = means
        beta = means[:, 0][0]
        return beta


  • If you want to get the observation co-variance (which I understand you have termed R in your question), and the transition co-variance (which I understand you have termed Q), you can get them directly from the pykalman.standard.KalmanFilter class object.

    Assuming in your example self.kf is suck an object you can get these as:

       R = self.kf.observation_covariance
       Q = self.kf.transition_covariance

    It's my understanding that this object, and these matrices are updated in your code by the filter_update step even through it is not returned as an output from that function.