I'm using round value for floated price but still my price 34.50 is rounded to 34. It should be 35 when it reached to 34.50. Mainly its work fine but i don't understand why it is not working on 3000 price percentage discount is 1.15
I am also attaching screen and code also.
def _compute_discount(self):
mod_obj = self.env['ir.model.data']
amount_discount = 0.0
if self.discount_type == 'percent':
amount_discount = self.amount_untaxed * self.discount_rate / 100
amount_discount = self.discount_rate
self.amount_discount = round(amount_discount)
Thanks in advance
You have this result because in python 1.15*3000 = 34.4999999 and round of 34.4999 is 34