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read-the-docs build fails because of prompt

I am developing a Python package which, on first use, creates a config file for the user. During this setup phase, the user is asked for input during two prompts. Corresponding calls are in the module's Because of this prompt, my builds on readthedocs fail (log).

How can I build my documentation nonetheles? Why is readthedocs trying to compile the code anyways?


  • The problem is you are importing your module in

    project_root = os.path.dirname(cwd)
    sys.path.insert(0, project_root)
    import scopus  # <-- imported
    # General configuration
    needs_sphinx = '1.3'
    extensions = [

    And your project is not constrcuted well. I don't think just importing your module will cause prompt is a good idea.

    import scopus  ->  
    from scopus.utils import *  ->  
    from scopus.utils.startup import *  ->    
    if 'Authentication' not in config.sections():
        set_authentication(config, CONFIG_FILE)  # <-- cause prompt

    Addtionally, even worse:

    CONFIG_FILE = os.path.expanduser("~/.scopus/config.ini")
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    config.optionxform = str

    Reading file system.