i am starting to learn model driven forms in angular and when i was going through the documentation of the model driven forms i found this
this.myForm= this.fb.group({
now when i went to the definition of the validator class i found this
export declare class Validators {
static required(control: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors | null;
which explains required is a static method in the validator class and it requires a AbstractControl as a parameter. but why then i am allowed to use it without passing any parameter inside it.
The required method returns an error map with the 'required' property: {'required':true}
if the value of control: AbstractControl
is empty and null
if its not.
From the angular source code: https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/6.1.9/packages/forms/src/validators.ts#L133-L154
static required(control: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors|null {
return isEmptyInputValue(control.value) ? {'required': true} : null;
The reason why you can pass Validators.required without parenthesis and parameters is because Typescript is a superset of Javascript, which can store functions as variables:
var Foo = function (control: AbstractControl)
return anyVal;
Is the same as:
Foo(control: AbstractControl): any
return anyVal;
So doing this is completely valid
var Bar = Foo;
And because a function is just a variable holding executable code, we can store the function in multiple variables or pass it as a parameter, which is what is done in the FormControl.
So basically, when you do
const control = new FormControl('', Validators.required);
You are not executing the required method, because a method is executed only when parenthesis and parameters are added. Instead, you are passing the Validator function itself.