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Is it possible to change vim's underline symbol?

Now i am use VIM's ALE plugin which can underline the error in my code. I set this highlight ALEError cterm=underline to underline the error with '-'.

I still want to use '^' instead of '-' which is much more eye-caching for me.So can anyone help me?I have been searching google for a while but found nothing.


  • No, you can't use a caret. According to :help attr-list, the possible values for cterm are:

    • bold
    • underline
    • undercurl, not always available
    • strikethrough, not always available
    • reverse
    • inverse, same as reverse
    • italic
    • standout
    • nocombine, override attributes instead of combining them
    • NONE, no attributes used (used to reset it)