I have two projects
The idea is that I have a page in which I list all the users from DB, so basically I need a listener on WebApp side and a producer in the microservice side, typically the flow is as follow
Whitout rabbitmq(synchronous)
UserController that redirect me to a specific service
public List<User>getUsers(){//no args!!
service.getUsers();//no args
UserService with logic to access DB and retrieve all users
public List<User>getUsers(){//no args!!
//connect to DB and retrieve all users
return users
Render users on jsp
With RabbitMQ and assuming users has already been produced the list of users on the microservice's side
My question is about if I introduce rabbitmq then I need a method in which I listen a message(List of products as a JSON) but now the flow change a little bit comparing with the first one because
Controller need a method findAll(Message message), here I need pass a message because the service is expecting one as the service is Listener
public List<User>getUsers(Message message){
service.getAllUsers(**String message**);
The service as right now is listen a message, I need to pass a Message arg in which I will be listen the queues
@RabbitListener(queues = "${queue}", containerFactory = "fac")
public List<User> getUsers(String message){
//Transform JSON to POJO
//some logic...
return users;
So basically my question is the second flow is correct?
If so how I have to pass the Message object from controller to service because in controller I do not needed a Message, but in order to listen I have, is this correct?
If so how pass the message arg
There is a better way to achieve this?
Use a Jackson2JsonMessageConverter
and the framework will do all the conversion for you.
List<User> users = template.convertSendAndReceiveAsType("someExchange", "someRoutingKey",
myRequestPojo, new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<User>>() {});
@RabbitListener(queues = "${queue}", containerFactory = "fac")
public List<User> getUsers(SomeRequestPojo request){
//some logic...
return users;
Wire the converter into both the listener container factory and the RabbitTemplate
Request Pojo and Users have to be Jackson-friendly (no-arg constructor, setters).