Hi I am following a tutorial that was using matplotlib.finance to use candlestick.ohlc. When researching I found out that that lib was deprecated and to use mlp_finance. I believe I have installed it by running the command prompt and entering the line pip install mpl_finance. The result that I get this
I tried re running the script but I still get the error:
from mpl_finance import candlestick_ohlc
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mpl_finance'
I checked the python library path and I don't see a folder labeled mlp_finance(Im not sure if Im suppose to). But I do see a file labeled mpl_finance-0.10.0-py3.7.egg
Any help on resolving this issue? Downloaded the git package and ran the command prompt install
ran the command line pip install git clone https://github.com/matplotlib/mpl_finance.git mpl_finance.git
pip install mlp_finance
will solve the issue