I need to run a docker container with an application using rpio package.
I do not understand this part:
By default the module will use /dev/gpiomem when using simple GPIO access. To access this device, your user will need to be a member of the gpio group, and you may need to configure udev with the following rule (as root):
$ cat >/etc/udev/rules.d/20-gpiomem.rules <<EOF SUBSYSTEM=="bcm2835-gpiomem", KERNEL=="gpiomem", GROUP="gpio", MODE="0660" EOF
For access to i²c, PWM, and SPI, or if you are running an older kernel which does not have the bcm2835-gpiomem module, you will need to run your programs as root for access to /dev/mem.
As I'm running my nodeJS application in a docker image/container, I don't understand how to set group member and which member name and where to call that udev rules command.
I'm very thankful for every explanation.
The docker user (should be the logged in user, e.g. "pi") needs to be in the "gpio" group.
# see all groups the user is assigned to
# if the user is not assigned to gpio, run the following:
sudo adduser $(whoami) gpio
You need to make the device /dev/gpiomem available inside the docker container.
# e.g.
docker run -d --device /dev/gpiomem <image>