I have an array
$cars = array("Volvo", "BMW", "Toyota", "Mercedes");
I wanted to remove first element "Volvo" and i use this
Now i have an array like this:
[1] Bmw
[2] Toyota
[3] Mercedes
But i want to my array begins again with zero, to be like this:
[0] Bmw
[1] Toyota
[2] Mercedes
How to do it?
Use array_values
function to reset the array, after unset operation.
Note that, this method will work for all the cases, which include unsetting any index key from the array (beginning / middle / end).
array_values() returns all the values from the array and indexes the array numerically.
Try (Rextester DEMO):
$cars = array("Volvo", "BMW", "Toyota", "Mercedes");
$cars = array_values($cars);
var_dump($cars); // check and display the array