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Create DATETIME in MariaDB using LocalDateTime column type in JPA

I need create DATETIME column in MariaDB using LocalDateTime column type in JPA.

I created this entity:

private LocalDateTime created_at;

but when I depot the code the column in MariDB is updated to DATE. I need DATETIME.

I also tried this:

private LocalDateTime created_at;

But when I deploy the code I get error:

@Temporal should only be set on a java.util.Date or java.util.Calendar property

I use Java 10 and spring-boot-starter-parent

        <relativePath />

Is there any solution to this problem? For example is there a way to set the column type into the entity as DATETIME without using @Temporal?


  • If you want to store a LocalDateTime in a TIMESTAMP column, you need to implement the mapping to java.sql.Timestamp.

    You need to implement the AttributeConverter interface.

    @Converter(autoApply = true)
    public class LocalDateTimeAttributeConverter implements AttributeConverter<LocalDateTime, Timestamp> {
        public Timestamp convertToDatabaseColumn(LocalDateTime locDateTime) {
            return (locDateTime == null ? null : Timestamp.valueOf(locDateTime));
        public LocalDateTime convertToEntityAttribute(Timestamp sqlTimestamp) {
            return (sqlTimestamp == null ? null : sqlTimestamp.toLocalDateTime());