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get Tiramisu submodules llvm for Halide failed with .//3rdParty/llvm: No such file or directory error

Hi i'm trying to install tiramisu compiler.

and once trying install it's sub-modules ( (ISL, LLVM and Halide) by using this command

dina@dina-VBox:~/tiramisu$ ./utils/scripts/ ./

and i get in the end this error

Done installing isl
#### Installing LLVM ####
cd .//3rdParty/llvm
.//utils/scripts/ line 6: cd: .//3rdParty/llvm: No such file or directory

even one i do ls i find it

dina@dina-VBox:~/tiramisu/3rdParty$ ls
clang  Halide  isl  llvm

and this is llvm content

dina@dina-VBox:~/tiramisu/3rdParty/llvm$ ls
bindings  CMakeLists.txt   configure    docs      include  LICENSE.TXT  README.txt           resources  test   unittests
cmake     CODE_OWNERS.TXT  CREDITS.TXT  examples  lib      LLVMBuild.txt  projects      RELEASE_TESTERS.TXT  runtimes   tools  utils

What should i do to fix this problem.


  • Can you try to install as follows

    ./utils/scripts/ $PWD

    $PWD returns the full path of the current directory unlike ./ which does not return the full path. The next steps in the installation seem to require the full path.