I need help in getting to the 'Taken' and 'left' columns of this image. I have tried a CTE and lag funtion but nothing seems to work.
If I have the first four columns in a table, how can I go about computing 'Taken' and 'left' column.
Basically, the way 'Taken' and 'left' is basically for each group, we have a max limit that column 4 can be taken out from. They have to be taken out in the order of A, B, C, D
Let me know if there are questions and I will try my best to answer.
Since people are asking for given record set.. This is how it looks like. I need to find out logic for columns 'taken' and 'left'
Accountno GroupName MaxGroup Amount
101 A 70 0
101 B 70 50
101 C 70 0
101 D 70 20
102 A 95 30
102 B 95 0
102 C 95 5
102 D 95 10
103 A 80 40
103 B 80 15
103 C 80 10
103 D 80 5
You can achieve that using OUTER APPLY
as below
DECLARE @table AS TABLE(acc_no INT, [group] CHAR(1), [maxgroup] INT, amount INT)
(101, 'A', 70, 0),
(101, 'B', 70, 50),
(101, 'C', 70, 0),
(101, 'D', 70, 20),
(102, 'A', 95, 30),
(102, 'B', 95, 0),
(102, 'C', 95, 5),
(102, 'D', 95, 10),
(103, 'A', 80, 40),
(103, 'B', 80,15),
(103, 'C', 80, 10),
(103, 'D', 80, 5)
SELECT t.acc_no,
CASE WHEN t1.assigned = 0 THEN NULL ELSE t.amount END AS taken,
CASE WHEN t1.assigned = 0 THEN NULL ELSE (t.maxgroup - t1.assigned) END [left]
FROM @table t
OUTER APPLY(SELECT SUM([amount]) AS assigned
FROM @table t1 WHERE t1.acc_no = t.acc_no AND t1.[group] <= t.[group]) t1
acc_no group maxgroup taken left
101 A 70 NULL NULL
101 B 70 50 20
101 C 70 0 20
101 D 70 20 0
102 A 95 30 65
102 B 95 0 65
102 C 95 5 60
102 D 95 10 50
103 A 80 40 40
103 B 80 15 25
103 C 80 10 15
103 D 80 5 10