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Modeling core identity user access

I have been looking in how to setup core identity model, in order to give access to a user to specific data.

For example lets think that we have 10 different stores.

I want to be able:

Have several type of users for example a salesman and buyer.

How could I setup: First buyer to have data access for store 1, 2 and 3. Second buyer to have data access for store 3, 4 and 5.
Third buyer to have data access for store 6, 7, 8 and 9 First salesman to have access to store inventory of store 3, and 4.

Could anyone point me in the right direction?



  • The AspNet Core Identity doesn't provide ways to enforce data access to concrete data, like a particular store, which means you have to implement this yourself. However, you can describe the supposed access in the identity models:

    The default ASP.NET Core Identity models contain a claim-model, in which you can define your own claim types, like role and store. You can then associate these claims to your users:

    User 1 Claims:
        "role": "buyer"
        "store": "1"
        "store": "2"
        "store": "3"
    User 2 Claims:
        "role": "salesman"
        "store": "3"
        "store": "4"

    (This is simplified, but might be enough for you. One limitation in this particular model is, that a user can be assigned to a store only for ALL of his roles. If a user is buyer for store 1, and salesman for store 2 you run into ambiguity of what data he has access to. If that's a requirement, then you would have to specify the role per store in a different kind of claim type)

    This doesn't enforce the data-access though. You need to come up with your own filters when doing any queries against your persisted data, whether they be in SQL, Mongo, redis or anywhere else.