Search code examples

$lookup with same collection

I am new to MongoDB so I am not sure if I have phrased my question correctly.

I have a collection in which data looks like this:

    "_id" : ObjectId("66666"), 
    "Id" : 994, 
    "PostType" : 1, 
    "AnswerId" : 334, 
    "CreationDate" : ISODate("1994-09-05T09:34:36.177+0000"), 
    "Tags" : "test", 
    "Parent" : null, 

    "_id" : ObjectId("8888"), 
    "Id" : 334, 
    "PostTypeId" : 2, 
    "AnswerId" : NaN, 
    "CreationDate" : ISODate("20005-08-03T11:29:42.880+0000"), 
    "ParentId" : 994

Both documents are in the same collection, im trying to use the AnswerId from a document with PostType:1, and using that value as the main Id to extract its CreationDate.

Here's the logic im trying to implement, but it doesnt seem to be working:

    {$project:{_id:"$Id", Title:"$Title", Answerid:"$AnswerId", QuestionDate:"$CreationDate"}},

I am open to any suggestion.


  • You can try below aggregation in mongodb 3.6 and above

      { "$match": { "Id": 2627 }},
      { "$lookup": {
        "from": "collection",
        "let": { "answerId": "$AnswerId" },
        "pipeline": [{ "$match": { "$expr": { "$eq": ["$Id", "$$answerId"] }}}],
        "as": "dates"

    Or with the 3.4 and above

      { "$match": { "Id": 2627 }},
      { "$lookup": {
        "from": "collection",
        "localField": "AnswerId",
        "foreignField": "Id",
        "as": "dates"