I'm using Babylonjs with the Rollupjs together with typescript.
Babylonjs has typings bundled with the package so when I import it like this:
import { ArcRotateCamera, Engine, SceneLoader, Vector3 } from "babylonjs";
I get all of the typing information and type-checking from typescript, however, due to (I think) how babylon.js is bundled - Rollup cannot bundle it throwing errors:
1: import { ArcRotateCamera, Engine, SceneLoader, Vector3 } from "babylonjs";
2: import "babylonjs-loaders";
3: import React from "react";
Error: 'Engine' is not exported by node_modules/babylonjs/babylon.js
To fix rollup bundling I need to change imports to:
import { ArcRotateCamera, Engine, SceneLoader, Vector3 } from "babylonjs/es6";
but then I lose all of the typing information...
So my quickest solution to that would be to somehow instruct typescript that babylon.d.ts applies also to babylonjs/es6.js.
P.S these named import are all correct and working because component works when I use it with @storybook (which loads it with webpack).
You'll notice how the babylonjs
module is declared in babylon.d.ts
declare module 'babylonjs' {
export = BABYLON;
declare module BABYLON {
// Many declarations...
To associate the same declarations with the babylonjs/es6
module name, all you have to do is follow the same format and add a module declaration to a new file in your project:
declare module 'babylonjs/es6' {
export = BABYLON;
(Adding this code inside another module file will not work because then it will be treated as a module augmentation instead of a module declaration.)
Consider filing an issue to have this change made in the original babylonjs