I'm a little confused by the definition of an answer set.
S is an answer set of P if S is the least model of P.
When I have a program
b :- a
Then I know my answer set has to be {a,b}, because a is a fact.
What happens if I have something like
a :- b
In the slides I found, they state that a is an answer set. But by my understanding the rule is satisfied, when b = true implies a = true.
So if I set a = false and b = false then the rule would be satisfied as well.
Why is the empty set not the answer set? (as it would be a subset of {a})
Empty set is an answer set of a :- b.
. Try running your example online: https://potassco.org/clingo/run/
clingo version 5.3.0
Reading from stdin
-:1:6-7: info: atom does not occur in any rule head:
Answer: 1
Models : 1
(note empty line between "Answer: 1" and "SATISFIABLE" -> empty set)