I built a boost python based .so file with help of the boost Jamroot for using the .so within Python. When I import the library in Python I get the following error:
import vision_library
ImportError: dlopen(/../Vision/pyVision/python_scripts/vision_library.so, 2): Library not loaded: @rpath/libboost_thread.dylib
Referenced from: /../Vision/pyVision/python_scripts/vision_library.so
Reason: image not found
Here is the Jamroot:
# Copyright David Abrahams 2006. Distributed under the Boost
# Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
# file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
import option ;
import feature ;
import python ;
if ! [ python.configured ]
ECHO "notice: no Python configured in user-config.jam" ;
ECHO "notice: will use default configuration" ;
using python : 2.7 ;
# Platform architecture provided as an environment variable
import os ;
local ARCH = [ os.environ ARCH ] ;
# Specify the path to the Boost project. If you move this project,
# adjust this path to refer to the Boost root directory.
use-project boost
: ../../thirdparty/boost/boost_1_62_0 ;
alias boost_dependencies
: /boost/python//boost_python
lib opencv_core : : <name>libopencv_core <search>../../thirdparty/opencv/build/lib/ ;
lib opencv_features2d : : <name>libopencv_features2d <search>../../thirdparty/opencv/build/lib/ ;
lib opencv_video : : <name>libopencv_video <search>../../thirdparty/opencv/build/lib/ ;
lib opencv_videoio : : <name>libopencv_videoio <search>../../thirdparty/opencv/build/lib/ ;
lib opencv_videostab : : <name>libopencv_videostab <search>../../thirdparty/opencv/build/lib/ ;
lib opencv_ml : : <name>libopencv_ml <search>../../thirdparty/opencv/build/lib/ ;
lib opencv_imgproc : : <name>libopencv_imgproc <search>../../thirdparty/opencv/build/lib/ ;
lib opencv_objdetect : : <name>libopencv_objdetect <search>../../thirdparty/opencv/build/lib/ ;
# Set up the project-wide requirements that everything uses the
# boost_python library from the project whose global ID is
# /boost/python.
: requirements <library>boost_dependencies
: requirements <library>../../Common/build/$(ARCH)/lib/libCommon.a
# Declare the three extension modules. You can specify multiple
# source files after the colon separated by spaces.
python-extension vision_library : src/pyboost_cv3_converter.cpp
src/Trace.cpp ;
install boost_libraries
: boost_dependencies
# A little "rule" (function) to clean up the syntax of declaring tests
# of these extension modules.
local rule run-test ( test-name : sources + )
import testing ;
testing.make-test run-pyd : $(sources) : : $(test-name) ;
# Declare test targets
# run-test hello : vision_library test.py ;
How to fix the rpath issue?
Not sure it helps, but I solved the issue by removing the: