I'm trying to script adding x.desktop items to the gnome launcher in 18.04.
In unity (16.04) you can use:
gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher favorites XYZ
but I can't work out the equivalent (if it even exists) in gnome.
I've found gsettings of:
Right, I worked it out so I figured I'd share this back.
For gnome (eg ubuntu 18.04), the following script will add an existing desktop file to favourites:
dconf write ${favourites} \
"$(dconf read ${favourites} \
| sed "s/, ${application}//g" \
| sed "s/${application}//g" \
| sed -e "s/]$/, ${application}]/")"
For Unity (eg ubuntu 16.04), the following script will add an existing desktop file to favourites:
dconf write ${favourites} \
"$(dconf read ${favourites} \
| sed "s/, ${application}//g" \
| sed "s/${application}//g" \
| sed -e "s/]$/, ${application}]/")"
Scripts usage as follows:
./add_favourite.sh google-chrome