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I have created MasterDetailPage in MvvmCross, the click(Command) is not working on detail page

I have created an mvvm cross application in which I have created a viewmodel as well as a page with xaml.cs. So the view model is not being called from page(xaml) command or the navigation is not working.

I have attached the command :

public IMvxAsyncCommand LblTappedNumberCommand => new 
 () =>
        await _navigationService.Navigate<AddPhoneNumberViewModel>();

Xaml for above :

  <Image Source="user.png">
  <TapGestureRecognizer Command="{Binding 
  EditProfileClicked}" NumberOfTapsRequired="1" />

By removing MasterDetailPage(sidebar) above code works properly.

When I write a code for click event in xaml.cs like below it works:

xaml.cs :

public void EditProfileClicked(object sender, EventArgs args)
    Navigation.PushAsync(new EditProfile1Page());

xaml :

        <TapGestureRecognizer Tapped="EditProfileClicked" 
NumberOfTapsRequired="1" />


  • If you see there you are binding the command of the image to EditProfileClicked and you should be binding to LblTappedNumberCommand.