For a project I need to substitute spaces with an
if - and only if - they occur inside a predefined currency format.
For example:
EUR 1.2
EUR 1.23
EUR 12
EUR 123
EUR 12 Mio.
EUR 12 345 Mio.
GBP 1 123 456 789 Mio. <---- this one is a problem, only matching the first, second to last and last one, but not those inbetween
USD 12 million
EUR 1.23 billion
So basically [CurrencyPrefix][space][amount[with_spaces]][Suffix]
This is what I've come up with so far:
(?:EUR|USD|GBP)(\ )(?:(?:(?:\d+(\ ))+\d+)|\d+\.\d+|\d+)+(?:(\ )(?:Mio\.|million|billion))?
Problem is: it only matches the space 3 times. I need to match it [n] times (see the GBP example).
To match all spaces starting from currency abbrev to all those between and after digits you will need to work with \G
(?:EUR|USD|GBP|\G(?!^)\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\K +
See live demo here
This is the explanation:
Start of non-capturing group
Match one of the currency names|
Start match from where it ends previously\d+(?:\.\d+)?
Match a sequence of digits following an optional fractional part)
End of non-capturing\K +
Reset match output and immediately look for spaces