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How to remove table head <th> gap

I have 6 table head and 6 table data, but there a gap of table head there as you can see from the image, but how to remove the gap? There are 6 table head but I need 7 table data to make it equal......

As shown in this picture:

For more clarity I set all td and th back ground as black (6 th and 6 td):


<table class="table table-bordered" style='padding: 20px 20px;display:table-header-group;table-layout: fixed;'>
            <th>Payment Method</th>


            echo "<tr>";
            echo "<td>"; echo $row['orderdate']; echo "</td>";
            echo "<td>"; echo $row['ordertime']; echo "</td>";
            echo "<td>";
            echo "<table>";           


            echo "<tr>";
            echo "<th>"; echo $row2['listingname']; echo "</th>";
            echo "</tr>";

            echo "</table>";
            echo "</td>"; 
            echo "<td>"; echo "qty"; echo "</td>";
            echo "<td>"; echo "price"; echo "</td>";
            echo "</tr>";



  • So actually I miss out one /th at end of product, thanks for everyone who helping

                            <th>Payment Method</th>