Delphi 10.1 Pro, VCL with embedded TeeChart.
I've a 75% transparent AreaSeries and I would like its Marks to be non transparent, or The font to be non transparent.
I tried the following without a success:
Marks[0].Transparent := false; // <- DOESN'T HELP
Marks[0].Transparency:= 0; // <- DOESN'T HELP
The tAreaSeries and its Marks are created as follow:
procedure TForm2.AddAreaSeries(aMin, aMax, aSeriesTransparency: integer);
with Chart1.AddSeries(tAreaSeries) as tAreaSeries do
AddXY(aMin, 10); // Two point AreaSeries
AddXY(aMax, 10);
SeriesColor := clGreen;
Transparency := aSeriesTransparency; // <- Series Transparency
Marks[0].Color := clRed;
Marks[0].Transparent := false; // <- DOESN'T HELP
Marks[0].Transparency:= 0; // <- DOESN'T HELP
Marks[0].Visible := true;
Marks[1].Visible := true;
Marks.Visible := true; // Global Visibility for all Markers
For demonstration, I called the above twice, one non transparent (0%) and the other with 75% transparency:
procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Chart1.View3D := false;
// Adding two AreaSeries
AddAreaSeries(1, 4, 0); // Non transparent AreaSeries
AddAreaSeries(6, 9, 75); // 75% transparent AreaSeries
Here is the screen shot with comments on it:
Thanks for any help.
The Marks for a Series have an boolean option UseSeriesTransparency
that you just need to set to false to set transparency independent of the series.
Series2.Marks.UseSeriesTransparency := false;
In the UI the option is a checkbox.