I want to automate the process of importing existing repositories structure from another Artifactory through .json file. So far, I have managed to make single repo from json with the following command.
curl -X PUT --insecure -u admin -H "Content-type: application/json" -T repository-config.json "https://artifactory.test.net/artifactory/api/repositories/acqbo-docker-release-local"
Is there a way to import multiple/array of repositories from a single json file and a single curl?
Ended up writing my own bash script for this purpose. you will have to make a file with the repositories you want to copy:
# This script copies the repository structure from one Artifactory server to another
# repos.list file is required to have repositories that we want to copy, each in new line.
# user with the admin rights is necessary
#Where to copy repos from and to
NOLINES=$(wc -l < repos.list) #get total nuber of lines in repos.line
COUNTER=1 #Set the counter to 1
while [ $COUNTER -le $NOLINES ] #loops times number of lines in the repos.line
REPONAME=$(awk "NR==$COUNTER" repos.list) #get only repo name, line by line
curl -GET --insecure -u admin:adminpass "$ARTIFACTORY_SOURCE$REPONAME" > xrep.json #Obtain data from Artifactory source, repo by repo, and writes it to the xrep.json
curl -X PUT --insecure -u admin:adminpass -H "Content-type: application/json" -T xrep.json "$ARTIFACTORY_DESTINATION$REPONAME" #Sends data from json to the destination Artifactory server
#print in blue color
printf "\e[1;34m$COUNTER repo done\n\e[0m"
printf "\e[1;34mAll repos exported!\n\e[0m"