I'm learning Swift and tried to program the game "Bullseye" from Ryan Wenderlich by my own before watching the videos.
I needed to give the user points depending on how close to the target number he was. I tried to calculate the difference and than check the range and give the user the points, This is what I did with If-else (Couldn't do it with switch case):
private func calculateUserScore() -> Int {
let diff = abs(randomNumber - Int(bullsEyeSlider.value))
if diff == 0 {
return PointsAward.bullseye.rawValue
} else if diff < 10 {
return PointsAward.almostBullseye.rawValue
} else if diff < 30 {
return PointsAward.close.rawValue
return 0 // User is not getting points.
Is there a way to do it more elegantly or with Switch-Case?
I couldn't just do diff == 0
for example in the case in switch case as xCode give me an error message.
This should work.
private func calculateUserScore() -> Int {
let diff = abs(randomNumber - Int(bullsEyeSlider.value))
switch diff {
case 0:
return PointsAward.bullseye.rawValue
case 1..<10:
return PointsAward.almostBullseye.rawValue
case 10..<30:
return PointsAward.close.rawValue
return 0
It's there in the The Swift Programming Language book under Control Flow -> Interval Matching.