so i have a function:
let rec add_rules start rules prod =
match rules with
| [] -> prod
| nonterm::lst ->
if fst nonterm = start then
add_rules start (List.remove_assoc (fst nonterm) rules) (nonterm::prod)
else if check_sym (fst nonterm) prod then
add_rules start (List.remove_assoc (fst nonterm) rules) (nonterm::prod)
add_rules start lst prod
and it takes an element called start
, a list of pairs called rules
where (x,[y])
and x
is an element and y
is a list, and an empty list prod
without getting too much into detail about the specifics of this function, i basically want it to traverse the list of pairs (rules
) and add certain elements to the empty list prod
problem: in the first two if/else if statements, my code successfully removes the pair corresponding to (fst nonterm)
and passes in the entire original list (minus (fst nonterm)
) back to the recursive function. however, in the last else statement, i recursively traverse through the list by calling the tail of the original rules
list, passing that in to the function, and therefore ending up unable to ever access those heads ever again.
is there any way i can avoid this? or is there any way i can traverse the list without getting rid of the head each time?
thank you in advance!!!
Yes, you need to introduce an extra parameter for that, as @coredump has suggested.
So you will end up with an accumulator prod
that will contain the result, that you're building, a queue of rules to be processed that reduces in size with each step of recursion (currently named rules
in your version) and the rules
that will contain all the rules (modulo those that you explicitly delete).