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trouble in emitting <AgGridReact> , using clojurescript + Reagent + cljsjs/ag-grid-react

I'm trying to use React ag-grid in Reagent (ag-grid reference) , but having trouble in emitting node AgGridReact ,

Implemented React.Component using pesterhazy approach , but emitting AgGridReact from rendor method is not working. Please suggest a better way with hiccup syntax ,

I was checking something like this from the render method:

(def ag-adapter (reagent/adapt-react-class js/agGridReact))

 [ag-adapter {  columnDefs={somecols}  rowData={somerowData}}]

FYI, I created the project using the command lein new reagent reagent-aggrid, and using lein figwheel grid reference [cljsjs/ag-grid-react "17.0.0-0"]

*********UPDATE :**

Got this resolved using below , sample reagent-aggrid

(def ag-adapter (reagent/adapt-react-class (.-AgGridReact js/agGridReact) ))


  • got this resolved using below , issue was with the way I referred ag grid

    (def ag-adapter (reagent/adapt-react-class (.-AgGridReact js/agGridReact) ))