Having a play around trying to better understand recursion. I want to make a function that shows the CPI increase for a particular year given a starting amount.
Assuming the starting amount is 100000 and CPI rate is 5%, then f(0) = 100000, f(1) = 5000, f(2) = 5250 etc.I want to return the CPIincrease column from below
rate 0.05
n TotalCPI CPIincrease
0 100000
1 105000 5000
2 110250 5250
3 115762.5 5512.5
4 121550.625 5788.125
5 127628.1563 6077.53125
6 134009.5641 6381.407812
7 140710.0423 6700.478203
8 147745.5444 7035.502113
9 155132.8216 7387.277219
10 162889.4627 7756.64108
So far I have the TotalCPI from column of the above table
def CPIincreases(n):
if n<=0:
return initial
return (CPIincreases(n-1))*(1+CPIrate)
initial = 100000
CPIrate = 0.05
output: 105000.0 110250.0 115762.5 121550.625
Now I'm lost. Because the output shows the I should be adding in
CPIincrease(n) - CPIincrease(n-1)
Any Help greatly appreciated, even if its to say this function is not possible.
The function you have created calculates the total value of the lump sum over time, and as you have pointed out, you can call it twice (once with year
and once with year - 1
) and take the difference to get your answer.
If you really want do this recursively in one go we need to think through the base cases:
return 0
return initial * rate
return last_year + rate * last_year
return last_year * (1 + rate)
Now we can put it all together:
def cpi_increase(year, initial, rate):
if year == 0:
return 0
if year == 1:
return initial * rate
return (1 + rate) * cpi_increase(year - 1, initial, rate)
If we print this out we can see the values about match up:
initial = 100000
rate = 0.05
for year in range(11):
print('{year:<5} {total:<21} {cpi_increase}'.format(
total=initial * (1 + rate) ** year,
cpi_increase=cpi_increase(year, initial, rate)
The values:
0 100000.0 0
1 105000.0 5000.0
2 110250.0 5250.0
3 115762.50000000001 5512.5
4 121550.62500000003 5788.125
5 127628.15625000003 6077.53125
6 134009.56406250005 6381.407812500001
7 140710.04226562506 6700.478203125001
8 147745.5443789063 7035.502113281251
9 155132.8215978516 7387.2772189453135
10 162889.4626777442 7756.64107989258
Thinking through our base cases also shows how to create the direct calculation. At year y
we have applied the (1 + rate)
multiplication y - 1
times and the base (initial * rate)
once. This gives us:
def cpi_increase_direct(year, initial, rate):
if year <= 0:
return 0
return initial * rate * (1 + rate) ** (year - 1)