I'm using the exchangelib package to connect to Exchange. I need to send attachments in a reply. When I send a normal message I add the attachment to the Message object like this:
message = Message()
message.account = account
message.subject = 'subject'
message.body = 'text'
message.to_recipients = [Mailbox(email_address='example@gmail.com')]
message.cc_recipients = ['example2@gmail.com']
for attachment in attachments or []:
with open(attachment['path'], 'rb') as f:
file = FileAttachment(name=attachment['file_name'], content=f.read())
and to send a reply:
reply = message.reply(
subject='Re: subject',
This works, but I don't now how to add attachments to the reply. I tried to set the attributes "attachments" and "attach" but the object doesn't have them.
The Message.reply()
method creates and sends a ReplyToItem
item which doesn't support attachments. See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/client-developer/web-service-reference/replytoitem
So if you want to send a reply that has attachments, just create a normal Message item that has a 'Re: some subject'
title, contains the attachment, and quotes the original message, if that's needed.