I have the following code that detects the enter key press and works ok. however, if you click a button on the form then it stops working i.e. the button pressed now has focus and enter press goes straight to that button.
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
KeyPreview = true;
private void Form1_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
MessageBox.Show("Enter pressed");
I have tried the following with no success;
My workaround is to create a button that the form 'selects' on load, which will be clicked on entering. Then to have a timer running to maintain focus on that button in case any others are selected. This seems a bit of a shoddy solution.
Any ideas would be appreciated. Seems like I am missing something obvious.
Override ProcessCmdKey
protected override bool ProcessCmdKey( ref Message msg, Keys keyData ) {
if( keyData == Keys.Enter ) {
// Enter is pressed
return true; //return true if you want to suppress the key.
return base.ProcessCmdKey( ref msg, keyData );