I have to visit an URL, login using credentials, then select a region name and click on show button so that a recent bill in the HTML page is shown (all this I did using a Selenium script).
There is a button Print Option on that page. When clicked the print popup appears and I need to click OK. But I am not able to do so using an AutoIt script either.
When a click on OK is done the "Save Print Output As" window opens where I have to enter the file name and click Save.
These two pop-up windows differ for Firefox and Chrome. How to handle these? I tried using an AutoIt script and by calling it using Runtime .exec(file name) in a Selenium script, but neither works for me.
WinWait("Print", "", 5000)
If WinExists("Print", "") Then
WinWait("Save Print Output As", "", 5000)
If WinExists("Save Print Output As", "") Then
ControlFocus("Save Print Output As", "", "Edit1")
ControlSetText("Save Print Output As", "", "Edit1", "H282")
ControlClick("Save Print Output As", "", "Button2")
Also I need to run the script many times for different regions, but it stops execution after first run.
The Window Info Tool Summary for 'Print' and 'Save as Print Output' pop-up are-
AutoIt Window Info of Print pop-up
AutoIt Window Info of 'Save as Print Output' for the Field to Enter File Name
AutoIt Window Info of 'Save as Print Output' for the Save Field
Issue is- selenium code is executed well and when print option is clicked then to handle print window, using .exe file is called and it starts to run in background. but doesn't work. The execution stops once the print window is opened.
Now the New pop-up is seen , when file name is entered in 'Edit1" for each different file name
Opt("TrayIconDebug", True)
; String in filename to replace with an incremented integer.
$sTag = "++1"
; Show custom progress window (True|False).
$bEnableProgress = True
Switch $CMDLINE[0]
Case 0
Case 1
If $CMDLINE[1] = '/?' Then
; Help message.
; Assign default command line array.
$aFilenames = $CMDLINE
Case 2
; If not $sTag in the 1st argument, then goto the next case.
If Not StringInStr($CMDLINE[1], $sTag) Then ContinueCase
; If the 2nd argument is not an integer, then goto the next case.
If Not StringIsInt($CMDLINE[2]) Then ContinueCase
; Create array with filenames starting from index 1.
Global $aFilenames[$CMDLINE[2] + 1]
$aFilenames[0] = Int($CMDLINE[2])
; Find first filepath that does not exist and set an offset.
$iOffset = 0
For $i1 = 1 To 1000
If Not FileExists(StringReplace($CMDLINE[1], $sTag, $i1, -1)) Then
$iOffset = $i1 - 1
; Assign the array with filenames, replacing tag with an integer.
For $i1 = 1 To $aFilenames[0]
$aFilenames[$i1] = StringReplace($CMDLINE[1], $sTag, $i1 + $iOffset, -1)
Case Else
; Assign default command line array.
$aFilenames = $CMDLINE
If $bEnableProgress Then
ProgressOn(@ScriptName, 'SaveAs')
For $i1 = 1 To $aFilenames[0]
; Filename to save as.
$sSaveAsFilename = $aFilenames[$i1]
; Print window.
$hPrint = WinWait("Print")
ControlClick($hPrint, "", "OK")
; Progress window.
$hProgress = WinWait("Printing")
; Save As window.
$hSaveAs = WinWait("Save Print Output As")
ControlSetText($hSaveAs, "", "Edit1", $sSaveAsFilename)
Until ControlGetText($hSaveAs, "", "Edit1") = $sSaveAsFilename
If $bEnableProgress Then
ProgressSet(100 / $aFilenames[0] * $i1, $sSaveAsFilename)
ControlClick($hSaveAs, "", "Button2")
; Wait for the progress window to close.
If $bEnableProgress Then ProgressOff()
Func _ConfirmSaveAs()
; Handle possible msgbox to confirm overwrite.
If WinExists("Confirm Save As") Then
ControlClick("Confirm Save As", "", "&Yes")
Func _HelpMsg()
; Help message.
MsgBox(0, @ScriptName, _
"Automates the standard print dialog from a web browser." & @CRLF & _
@CRLF & _
"Syntax:" & @CRLF & _
" " & @ScriptName & " filepath [filepath] ..." & @CRLF & _
" " & @ScriptName & " filepath integer" & @CRLF & _
@CRLF & _
"1st syntax can pass 1 or more filepath arguments." & @CRLF & _
@CRLF & _
"2nd syntax replaces the tag " & $sTag & " from right side of the " & _
"1st argument with an incremented integer (starting from 1). " & _
"Example: test" & $sTag & ".pdf will start with test1.pdf and end " & _
"with testN.pdf (which N is the integer set by the 2nd argument)." & @CRLF & _
@CRLF & _
"Tested with Firefox 63 on Windows 10.")
The filename|filepath can be passed as arguments. If you want to save as 1 filename then use:
scriptname.exe "C:\SaveFolder\a.pdf"
You can also do many in same execution i.e.:
scriptname.exe "C:\SaveFolder\a.pdf" "C:\SaveFolder\b.pdf" ...
If you want to increment the filenames with an integer, then i.e.:
scriptname.exe "C:\SaveFolder\a++1.pdf" 3
which ++1
will be replaced with an integer and will be processed as if it were:
scriptname.exe "C:\SaveFolder\a1.pdf" "C:\SaveFolder\a2.pdf" "C:\SaveFolder\a3.pdf"
The 1st argument must contain string ++1
and the
2nd argument must be an integer to be recognized
as a base filename to be incremented.
Help Msgbox can be shown by using the /?
as the only argument.
Many arguments in same execution may not be suitable for control in your Selenium script though it is an option.
These windows are standard print dialogs so difference between Chrome and Firefox may be none. The "Printing" window is not the same if you print from i.e. Notepad so that window cannot be considered standard.
Set $sSaveAsFilename
to the value that will be set
into the edit control of "File name:", in the window titled
"Save Print Output As".
parameter of TrayIconDebug
will display the current
line in the system tray while the mouse cursor hovers over
the icon.
So if it stalls, then you can trace if it gets trapped.
This is an optional function call.
This was tested in a Windows 10 Virtual Machine
using Firefox 63.
The windows appear slow
on display which is why Edit1
is checked for the
correct string before continuing. An alternative
is to use Opt()
and parameter WinWaitDelay
approximately 1000
to pause after a window shows,
though the script may take longer to complete on average.
I added an AdlibRegister
function for repetitive
testing and may still be useful as a file name may
unknowingly exist which needs to be handled.
The "Printing" window is waited for primarily, just to stop the script from closing before the printing progress is done. If unwanted, then remove the relevant code.