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Find text inside curly braces and replace text including curly braces

I would like to find a pattern {text} and replace text including curly braces.

$data = 'you will have a {text and text} in such a format to do {code and code}';
$data= preg_replace_callback('/(?<={{)[^}]*(?=}})/', array($this, 'special_functions'),$data);

and my special function contain the callback code to replace the braces and completely and text conditionally.

public function special_functions($occurances){
        $replace_html = '';
            switch ($occurances[0]) {
                case 'text and text':
                    $replace_html = 'NOTEPAD';
                case 'code and code':
                    $replace_html = 'PHP';

                    $replace_html ='';
        return $replace_html;

Expected Output

you will have a NOTEPAD in such a format to do PHP

How can i replace text and curly braces at the same time using preg_replace_callback in php using regex


  • You need to edit the pattern like this:

    $data = preg_replace_callback('/{{([^{}]*)}}/', array($this, 'special_functions'), $data);

    The {{([^{}]*)}} pattern will match:

    • {{ - {{ substring
    • ([^{}]*) - Group 1: any 0+ chars other than { and }
    • }} - a }} text

    Then, inside the special_functions function, replace switch ($occurances[0]) with switch ($occurances[1]). The $occurrances[1] is the text part captured with the ([^{}]*) pattern. Since the whole match is {{...}} and the captured is ..., the ... is used to check the possible cases in the switch block, and the braces will get removed since they were consumed (=added to the match value that is replaced as a result of the preg_replace_callback function).

    See the PHP demo.