I have a problem I am trying to solve that creates an Nx1 cell where the data stored inside it are always N number of 2x2 matrices.
N = 2
mycell = cell(N,1);
for i =1:N;
mycell{i} = randi([0, 10], 2);
newmatrix = zeros (N+1);
So say mycell{1} looks like:
[3 5
2 1]
and mycell{2} looks like:
[6 9;
3 2]
My new matrix of zeros looks like:
[0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0]
I want to get it too look like this (joining the last element of the first cell with the first element of the next cell in this sort of diagonal setup):
[3 5 0
2 7 9
0 3 2]
Is there a simple way to do this or any built in Matlab functions that may help?
Thank you.
Here's a solution based on accumarray
. It doesn't use loops, and it works for generic sizes N
(number of matrices), R
(number of rows of each matrix) and C
(number of columns of each matrix):
Generate example data (using a generalization of the code in the question):
N = 3; % number of matrices
R = 2; % number of rows of each matrix
C = 3; % number of columns of each matrix
mycell = cell(N,1);
for i =1:N;
mycell{i} = randi([0, 10], [R C]);
The following steps are used:
to build the result matrix, summing values with the same indices.Code:
indCol = repmat((0:N-1)*(R-1)+(1:R).', C, 1);
indRow = repelem((0:N-1)*(C-1)+(1:C).', R, 1);
newmatrix = accumarray([indCol(:) indRow(:)], reshape(cat(3, mycell{:}), 1, []));
Example result:
>> celldisp(mycell)
mycell{1} =
3 1 2
5 6 7
mycell{2} =
7 4 2
8 0 10
mycell{3} =
1 5 0
9 10 4
>> newmatrix
newmatrix =
3 1 2 0 0 0 0
5 6 14 4 2 0 0
0 0 8 0 11 5 0
0 0 0 0 9 10 4