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Google Maps API gesture handling not working with AngularJS Material

(EDIT: When you use plain Google Maps API with AngularJS Material the problem is the same.)

When I use at the same time in my AngularJS app:

Maps don't work properly on mobile (on desktop it is ok) - the problem is with touch gestures. Example: - (test on mobile!)

but when I don't use material:

angular.module("incampoApp", ["ngMap"])

instead of:

angular.module("incampoApp", ["ngMap", "ngMaterial"])

it works properly: - (test on mobile!)

My whole example code (JS compiled from typescript):

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="incampoApp">
<body ng-controller="offerController as vm">

<div map-lazy-load="">
    <ng-map id="map" min-zoom="2" zoom="6" center="52.2,19"></ng-map>

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="//"></script>

    var IncampoApp;
    (function (IncampoApp) {
        var OfferController = (function () {
            function OfferController(ngMap) {


            OfferController.$inject = ["NgMap"];

            return OfferController;
        IncampoApp.OfferController = OfferController;
    })(IncampoApp || (IncampoApp = {}));

    var IncampoApp;
    (function (IncampoApp) {
        angular.module("incampoApp", ["ngMap", "ngMaterial"]).controller("offerController", IncampoApp.OfferController);
    })(IncampoApp || (IncampoApp = {}));

Do you have any idea why?


  • I've found the solution here:

    You just need to call $mdGestureProvider.skipClickHijack();

     angular.module('myapp', ['ngMaterial', 'ngMessages'])
      .config(function($mdGestureProvider) {
        // For mobile devices without jQuery loaded, do not
        // intercept click events during the capture phase.