I'm trying to rename all files in a folder with an extension of .js.gz
to .js
I have tried using the windows command ren like so:
ren *.js.gz *.js
This would seem like a simple thing to do through the command line but it doesn't produce the required output.
What it does end up doing is renaming exampleFile.js.gz
to example.js.js
I'm sure i'd be able to accomplish this with Powershell or by using a Grunt/Gulp task.
Is there any way to get this done by using a simple built in command?
At the DOS command line I typed: ren ".js.gz" "."
For me this command dropped the '.gz' file extension. I would take backups of your files before experimenting with them, DOS can sometimes produce unexpected results. I'm using Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.16299.665].