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What makes the natural numbers so special with regards to timing out?

In a previous question I asked about formalizing subsets of Euclidean Spaces I received the following response for how to create n-dimensional Euclidean space:

def euclidean_space (n : ℕ) : Type := set (repeated_prod n ℝ)

And I received the following response for creating a subset of Euclidean space:

def euclidean_subset (M : Type) := ∃ (n : ℕ) (P : euclidean_space n → Prop), M = subtype P

Running through my modified code everything compiled which was great and do believe the answer is (at least, mostly) correct. I wanted to try running some basic checks on the code. In particular, I would expect:

#reduce euclidean_space 2

to give:

ℝ × ℝ

well, it didn't. It timed out. I then proceeded, to try some other sets. I modified euclidean_space to be:

def euclidean_space (n : ℕ) : Type := set (repeated_prod n ℕ)

Although, no longer faithful to it's name, one should expect

#reduce euclidean_space 2

to give:

ℕ × ℕ 

well, almost, it gives:

ℕ × ℕ → Prop

Given the result I removed the set call and redefined euclidean_space to be:

def euclidean_space (n : ℕ) : Type := (repeated_prod n ℕ)

which reducing produced the desired result. I then went back and replaced ℕ with ℝ:

def euclidean_space (n : ℕ) : Type := (repeated_prod n ℝ)

euclidean_subset still compiled, however #reduce still gives a timeout using ℝ. Why does ℕ not timeout?


  • real is a definition, so it will be reduced as well:

    def real := @cau_seq.completion.Cauchy ℚ _ _ _ abs _

    Actually, it is a complex (no pun intended) definition that probably depends on dozens or hundreds of other definitions. Reducing all of these recursively will take a long time and create some huge and completely unhelpful output.

    On the other hand, nat is a parameter-less inductive type. There is nothing to reduce there.