Hi I'm trying to use new arch components in my project. Short description what I want to achieve:
I want to display navigation icon (Hamburger) on BottomAppBar. User is able to click navigation icon and display BottomNavigationDrawer
he is moved to another fragment, let say DebtDetailsFragment
. Then Hamburger should be replaced with 'Back arrow' by NavigationController
Below I pasted my MainActivity
code. When I comment line with navigation controller, the Hamburger icon is visible and BottomNavigationDrawer
is able to display.
But when I uncomment this line, the Hamburger disappear because NavigationController
knows nothing about NavigationView
used in BottomNavigationDrawer
. I don't use DrawerLayout
, so controller thinks Hamburger is not needed.
Method setupWithNavController
can control Hamburger icon and back arrow, but I have to provide DrawerLayout
as parameter which I don't use.
Documentation for this method:
The Toolbar will also display the Up button when you are on a non-root destination and the drawer icon when on the root destination, automatically animating between them. This method will call [DrawerLayout.navigateUp] when the navigation icon is clicked.
So the question is, how to display Hamburger icon when NavigationController
is connected with BottomAppBar
but without DrawerLayout
? I will handle hamburger click myself in onOptionsItemSelected
class MainActivity : BaseActivity() {
lateinit var viewModelProvider: ViewModelProvider.Factory
private val viewModel: MainActivityViewModel by lazy {
ViewModelProviders.of(this, viewModelProvider).get(MainActivityViewModel::class.java)
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val navController = findNavController(R.id.main_nav_host_fragment)
onDestroyDisposables += viewModel.uiStateObservable
.subscribe(::render, Timber::e)
override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu): Boolean {
menuInflater.inflate(R.menu.bottomappbar_menu, menu)
return true
override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem?): Boolean {
when (item?.itemId) {
android.R.id.home -> {
val bottomNavDrawerFragment = BottomNavigationDrawerFragment()
bottomNavDrawerFragment.show(supportFragmentManager, bottomNavDrawerFragment.tag)
return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item)
override fun onSupportNavigateUp(): Boolean {
return findNavController(R.id.main_nav_host_fragment).navigateUp()
Without setted Navigation controller:
With setted NavigationController - Hamburger invisible.
The BottomAppBar
should never display an Up button as per the anatomy of the BottomAppBar - it should only ever display the drawer icon. As seen in the behavior documentation, the Up button should be displayed in a top Toolbar
Therefore, you should never be calling bottomAppBar.setupWithNavController(navController)
, but instead calling setupWithNavController(navController)
using whatever top Toolbar
you have.
To set up your BottomAppBar
, you should instead set your own drawer icon and handle clicks on the drawer icon yourself.
The DrawerArrowDrawable
class is available to give you a correct drawer icon:
val icon = DrawerArrowDrawable(bottomAppBar.context)
bottomAppBar.navigationIcon = icon