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How to calculate the similarity for all the rows in a table in R?

I would like to calculate the similarity (Numerical measure of how alike 2 data objects are - in this case, how alike 2 rows are) of each row in a table, and the table will be like:


I tried many different ways on the internet, but most of them are for calculating similarity for a matrix. Obviously, we can easily tell the first and second row are "most similar" because they only have one different variable, but I need a one-time way to compare each row of this table.

The outcome may be like: the similarity of the first and the second row is 0.983.


  • This essentially calculates the proportion of elements that are the same. First, I create the data frame:

    # Create data frame
    data <- read.table(text = "vhigh,vhigh,2,2,small,low,unacc
               vhigh,vhigh,2,2,big,high,unacc", sep = ",")

    Next, I load dplyr.

    # Load dplyr library

    This is the function that does all the work.

    # Function for comparing rows
    row_cf <- function(x, y, df){
      sum(df[x,] == df[y,])/ncol(df)

    And here it is applied.

    # 1) Create all possible row combinations
    # 2) Rename the columns for readability
    # 3) Run through each row
    # 4) Calculate similarity
    res <- expand.grid(1:nrow(data), 1:nrow(data)) %>% 
      rename(row_1 = Var1, row_2 = Var2) %>% 
      rowwise() %>% 
      mutate(similarity = row_cf(row_1, row_2, data))
    # Results
    #    row_1 row_2 similarity
    # 1      1     1  1.0000000
    # 2      2     1  0.8571429
    # 3      3     1  0.7142857
    # 4      4     1  0.7142857
    # 5      5     1  0.5714286
    # 6      6     1  0.5714286
    # 7      7     1  0.7142857
    # 8      8     1  0.5714286
    # 9      9     1  0.5714286
    # 10     1     2  0.8571429
    # 11     2     2  1.0000000
    # 12     3     2  0.7142857
    # 13     4     2  0.5714286
    # 14     5     2  0.7142857
    # 15     6     2  0.5714286
    # 16     7     2  0.5714286
    # 17     8     2  0.7142857
    # 18     9     2  0.5714286
    # 19     1     3  0.7142857
    # 20     2     3  0.7142857
    # 21     3     3  1.0000000
    # 22     4     3  0.7142857
    # 23     5     3  0.7142857
    # 24     6     3  0.8571429
    # 25     7     3  0.7142857
    # 26     8     3  0.7142857
    # 27     9     3  0.8571429
    # 28     1     4  0.7142857
    # 29     2     4  0.5714286
    # 30     3     4  0.7142857
    # 31     4     4  1.0000000
    # 32     5     4  0.8571429
    # 33     6     4  0.8571429
    # 34     7     4  0.8571429
    # 35     8     4  0.7142857
    # 36     9     4  0.7142857
    # 37     1     5  0.5714286
    # 38     2     5  0.7142857
    # 39     3     5  0.7142857
    # 40     4     5  0.8571429
    # 41     5     5  1.0000000
    # 42     6     5  0.8571429
    # 43     7     5  0.7142857
    # 44     8     5  0.8571429
    # 45     9     5  0.7142857
    # 46     1     6  0.5714286
    # 47     2     6  0.5714286
    # 48     3     6  0.8571429
    # 49     4     6  0.8571429
    # 50     5     6  0.8571429
    # 51     6     6  1.0000000
    # 52     7     6  0.7142857
    # 53     8     6  0.7142857
    # 54     9     6  0.8571429
    # 55     1     7  0.7142857
    # 56     2     7  0.5714286
    # 57     3     7  0.7142857
    # 58     4     7  0.8571429
    # 59     5     7  0.7142857
    # 60     6     7  0.7142857
    # 61     7     7  1.0000000
    # 62     8     7  0.8571429
    # 63     9     7  0.8571429
    # 64     1     8  0.5714286
    # 65     2     8  0.7142857
    # 66     3     8  0.7142857
    # 67     4     8  0.7142857
    # 68     5     8  0.8571429
    # 69     6     8  0.7142857
    # 70     7     8  0.8571429
    # 71     8     8  1.0000000
    # 72     9     8  0.8571429
    # 73     1     9  0.5714286
    # 74     2     9  0.5714286
    # 75     3     9  0.8571429
    # 76     4     9  0.7142857
    # 77     5     9  0.7142857
    # 78     6     9  0.8571429
    # 79     7     9  0.8571429
    # 80     8     9  0.8571429
    # 81     9     9  1.0000000