I need to bulk rename files by adding "_Rev-" to the ends of the name. The file extension type of .pdf needs to stay the same. I've tried about 10 different variations to the below strings in PowerShell:
Get-ChildItem | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.Name + "_Rev-"}
Get-ChildItem *.pdf | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name + "_Rev-" }
Instead of changing my file name from ##-##-####.pdf
to ##-##-####_Rev-.pdf
it changes it to ##-##-####.pdf_Rev-
I've searched different topics but wasn't quite able to get to what I'm looking for.
Try using .BaseName
and .Extension
Get-Childitem *.pdf | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.BaseName + "_Rev-" + $_.Extension}