I would like to learn how a year can be added to the current year in ELSE part of the following expression:
=IIF(Today() >= cDate("10/01/" + cStr(year(Today()))) AND Today() <= cDate("10/02/" + cStr(year(Today()))),
cDate("11/01/" + cStr(year(FORMAT(Cdate(today), "MM-dd-yyyy")))),
cDate("11/01/" + cStr(year(FORMAT(Cdate(today), "MM-dd-yyyy")))))
I tried to do this:
=IIF(Today() >= cDate("10/01/" + cStr(year(Today()))) AND Today() <= cDate("10/02/" + cStr(year(Today()))),
cDate("11/01/" + cStr(year(FORMAT(Cdate(today), "MM-dd-yyyy")))),
cDate("11/01/" + cStr(year(FORMAT(Cdate(today), "MM-dd-yyyy") + 1))))
But the report does not accept it as valid syntax.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
You can use
DateAdd("yyyy", 1, "10/1/2018")
If you want you can formate the date
DateAdd("yyyy", 1, Format("10/1/2018", "MM/dd/yyyy"))
And you can format the result too!
Format(DateAdd("yyyy", 1, Format("10/1/2018", "MM/dd/yyyy")), "MM/dd/yyyy")
check it here https://www.techonthenet.com/excel/formulas/dateadd.php
and here https://www.techonthenet.com/excel/formulas/format_date.php