It appears to be nearly impossible to remote manage a hyper v windows 2012 server r2 using windows 10 hyper v management tools.
As stated in this readme by microsoft in the link above you cannot remotely connect to another hyper v host on windows 2012 server r2 as another user. But i cannot connect to the server as the same user either?
-------------SERVER Configuration-----------
Server i have user "test1" and user is part of the Hyper V Administrator group on the server.
On server i have granted the hostname of the client machine to trusteddomains.
-------------CLIENT Configuration-----------
Windows 10 client i am logged on with user test1 and test1 is an administrator of this computer.
Both server and client user "test1" has the same password.
Trying to connect via the hyper v manager to SERVER from windows 10 client will give me error message:
You do not have the required permission to complete this task. Contact the Administrator of the authorization policy for the computer "SERVER"
Running windows 8 client with user "test1" connecting via hyper v manager instantly works to SERVER.
What is wrong with windows 10 Hyper V Tools? Or am i mistaken that adding the same user accounts on both computers does not count as the same user?
Shouldn't Microsofts docs simply say as long as you are not part of a domain you CANNOT remote administer anything except windows 2016 server if you have windows 10?
Am i mistaken here or am i doing something wrong?
No resolution, ended up putting up a domain in order to control the hyper v park over windows 10.