I have created an Azure Function to store messages from Azure IoT Hub to Table Storage using built endpoint of EventHub of IoT Hub. I am using Azure Functions v2(.Net Standard) for creating the EventHubTrigger functions.I developed the function and tested it locally and it is working as required. But when I am hosting this function in Azure, it shows the following error in the portal:
I have already installed the Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.EventHubs -v 3.0.0-beta4 nuget package in the code.
Can someone help with this error as nothing much is mentioned regarding this in the docs.
Following are the packages installed in the solution:
The different behavior is caused by old Azure Functions and Web Jobs Tools
in VS, which means VS still consumes old function templates and cli.
Just update VS2017 to latest version(15.8.6 right now) and go to VS menus>Tools>Extensions and Updates, find Azure Functions and Web Jobs Tools
, update it to latest version(15.10.2009.0 right now).
After steps of update, new EventHub trigger template works with Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions
1.0.22 and Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.EventHubs
3.0.0. And the function cli is
Azure Functions Core Tools (2.0.3)
Function Runtime Version: 2.0.12115.0