I have a dplyr query in R that filters with str_detect to only get the cases that begins with the letters "KS", but it returns an empty tibble. I´m connected to an Oracle database using ROracle.
table <- tbl(con, "TABLE")
table %>%
filter(str_detect(COLUMN, "^KS"))
If I however use collect() to generate the tibble, it works:
table <- collect(tbl(con, "TABLE"))
table %>%
filter(str_detect(COLUMN, "^KS"))
Why is that? And how can I get it working without the collect? Some of the tables I need are to large to collect.
If I change it to filter for a specific column value, like this:
table %>%
filter(str_detect(COLUMN, "^KS"))
it works. For some reason the regex doesn´t work without the collect().
Richard Telford pointed me in the right direction with the link in the comments. It works if I instead use:
table <- tbl(con, "TABLE")
table %>%
filter(COLUMN %like% "%KS%")