I am having some problems getting the row values from the CSV file below
minzoom, maxzoom
My Code :
i = 0
for line in open("C:/Marine/lookup/distinct_lookup_scales.csv"):
i = i + 1
if (i > 1): #Skip header
print("Line: " + line)
#csv_row = line.split(',')
minzoom = str(line[0])
maxzoom = str(line[2])
print("Minzoom:" + minzoom)
print("Maxzoom:" + maxzoom)
readShpFile(minzoom, maxzoom)
The values returned for minzoom and maxzoom has been
0 5
5 1
1 ,
I had used line split but reverted to trying to get items from the line Not sure if that was the best approach
That is not how you should read the csv file. Take a look at the csv module documentation.
One example :
import csv
with open('C:/Marine/lookup/distinct_lookup_scales.csv', 'r') as csvfile:
csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile)
csvreader.next() #skip header
for row in csvreader:
minzoom = int(row[0])
maxzoom = int(row[1])
print('minzoom : {}'.format(minzoom))
print('maxzoom : {}'.format(maxzoom))
You can also use a DictReader which will use your header line to yield dictionaries.
import csv
with open('C:/Marine/lookup/distinct_lookup_scales.csv', 'r') as csvfile:
csvreader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
for row in csvreader:
minzoom = int(row['minzoom'])
maxzoom = int(row['maxzoom'])
print('minzoom : {}'.format(minzoom))
print('maxzoom : {}'.format(maxzoom))