I'd like to use a SOAP request to get a list of items in servicenow table, that have description starting with "TEST".
I am able to send a simple getKeys request. For example the below one is successfully returning to me the sys_id of a single ticket:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:hr="http://www.service-now.com/hr_case">
<short_description>TEST Soap 1</short_description>
How should I modify the above request, so that it returns keys of all items with description starting with "TEST"?
I've used instead a REST webservice with the URI:
before then I tried a URI like that:
https://???.service-now.com/api/now/table/hr_case?&short_description=TEST Soap 1