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How to check specific partition data from Spark partitions in Pyspark

I have a created two dataframes in pyspark from my hive table as:

data1 = spark.sql("""
   from MODEL_TABLE1 where COUNTRY_CODE in ('IND','CHN','USA','RUS','AUS')

each country is having millions of unique ID in alphanumeric format.

data2 = spark.sql("""
   from MODEL_TABLE2 where COUNTRY_CODE in ('IND','CHN')

I want to join both of these dataframe using pyspark on ID column.

How can we re-partition our data so that its get distributed uniformly across the partitions.

Can i use below to reparation my data?

newdf1 = data2.repartition(100, "ID")
newdf2 = data2.repartition(100, "ID")

what would be the best way for partitioning so that join work faster?


  • As far as I know your approach repartition providing an ID column is correct. Consider the following as proof of concept using spark_partition_id() to get the corrresponding partition id:

    Create some dummy data

    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    from pyspark.sql.functions import spark_partition_id
    def create_dummy_data():
        data = np.vstack([np.random.randint(0, 5, size=10), 
        df = pd.DataFrame(data.T, columns=["id", "values"])
        return spark.createDataFrame(df)
    def show_partition_id(df):
        """Helper function to show partition."""
        return*df.columns, spark_partition_id().alias("pid")).show()
    df1 = create_dummy_data()
    df2 = create_dummy_data()

    Show partition id before repartioning

    | id|             values|pid|
    |1.0| 0.6051170383675885|  0|
    |3.0| 0.4613520717857513|  0|
    |0.0|  0.797734780966592|  1|
    |2.0|0.35594664760134587|  1|
    |2.0|0.08223203758144915|  2|
    |0.0| 0.3112880092048709|  2|
    |4.0| 0.2689639324292137|  3|
    |1.0| 0.6466782159542134|  3|
    |0.0| 0.8340472796153436|  3|
    |4.0| 0.8054752411745659|  3|
    | id|             values|pid|
    |4.0| 0.8950517294190533|  0|
    |3.0| 0.4084717827425539|  0|
    |3.0|  0.798146627431009|  1|
    |4.0| 0.8039931522181247|  1|
    |3.0|  0.732125135531736|  2|
    |0.0|  0.536328329270619|  2|
    |1.0|0.25952064363007576|  3|
    |2.0| 0.1958334111199559|  3|
    |0.0|  0.728098753644471|  3|
    |0.0| 0.9825387111807906|  3|

    Show partition id after repartitioning

    show_partition_id(df1.repartition(2, "id"))
    | id|             values|pid|
    |1.0| 0.6051170383675885|  0|
    |3.0| 0.4613520717857513|  0|
    |4.0| 0.2689639324292137|  0|
    |1.0| 0.6466782159542134|  0|
    |4.0| 0.8054752411745659|  0|
    |0.0|  0.797734780966592|  1|
    |2.0|0.35594664760134587|  1|
    |2.0|0.08223203758144915|  1|
    |0.0| 0.3112880092048709|  1|
    |0.0| 0.8340472796153436|  1|
    show_partition_id(df2.repartition(2, "id"))
    | id|             values|pid|
    |4.0| 0.8950517294190533|  0|
    |3.0| 0.4084717827425539|  0|
    |3.0|  0.798146627431009|  0|
    |4.0| 0.8039931522181247|  0|
    |3.0|  0.732125135531736|  0|
    |1.0|0.25952064363007576|  0|
    |0.0|  0.536328329270619|  1|
    |2.0| 0.1958334111199559|  1|
    |0.0|  0.728098753644471|  1|
    |0.0| 0.9825387111807906|  1|

    After repartitioning, ids 0 and 2 are located on the same partition and the rest is on the other partition.