I am essentially trying to create a pHp pdo parameter binding equivalent without the use of php at all.
I use Navicat for my sql queries and building and as such am able to do some more interesting things than say just phpmyadmin.
I have one query in particular which takes a date value and applies it to (literally) 14 if, where, and group by statements. I would like to essentially create a variable at the top of the page, say:
then within the query, apply the variable say:
WHERE date_inserted > :date
I believe this could be done in a stored procedure but I'd like to just keep as a query (within query editor)
In php, you can create a prepared sql query using pdo like the following:
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE field1 = :field1 AND datefield <= :date1 AND datefield2 >= :date1 AND datefield3 > :date1");
$stmt->bindParam(':field1', $somevariable);
$stmt->bindParam(':date1', $somedate);
I want to do the exact same thing with sql only (using navicat)
This is another answer since you don't want to use join
SET @@session.var = 'some_value';
select * from table where field = @@session.var
Have not tested but I read from here
I think the variable will be preserved until the connection is closed and recreated.
Edit: OP found the rest of the answer. Editing in as requested.
You can set variables within an SQL call using:
SET @variablename = [value]