First of all, my teacher asked mу to do something like that.
I have a class of two-dimensional array:
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include "MyMaskedMassiv.h"
template<typename T>
class MyMaskedMassiv;
template <typename T>
class My2dMassiv{
T* mas;
int col;
int str;
friend class MyMaskedMassiv<T>;
MyMaskedMassiv<T>& operator()(My2dMassiv<bool>& mask){
MyMaskedMassiv<T> *maskMas = new MyMaskedMassiv<T>();
maskMas->masiv = this;
maskMas->mask = &mask;
return *maskMas;
And as you can see another class "MyMaskedMassiv" that have links to the first one:
#pragma once
#include "My2dMassiv.h"
template <typename U>
class My2dMassiv;
template <typename T>
class MyMaskedMassiv{
My2dMassiv<T> *masiv;
My2dMassiv<bool> *mask;
friend class My2dMassiv<T>;
friend class My2dMassiv<bool>;
masiv = nullptr;
mask = nullptr;
MyMaskedMassiv& operator=(const T& el){
int s = masiv->str;
int c = masiv->col;
for(int i=0; i<c; i++)
for( int j=0; j<s; j++)
if( this->mask->mas[i*s + j] == true)
this->masiv->mas[i*s + j] = el;
return *this;
So then I try to build I got an error:
My2dMassiv.h:11:8: error: ‘bool* My2dMassiv<bool>::mas’ is private
../src/myproject/MyMaskedMassiv.h:27:36: error: within this context
if( this->mask->mas[i*s + j] == true)
So.. what am I doing wrong?
If you want to see full code, check here: GIT
template <typename T>
class My2dMassiv{
friend class MyMaskedMassiv<T>;
// ...
Friendship is done only for matching T
, I mean MyMaskedMassiv<int>
can use private members of My2dMassiv<int>
but not those from My2dMassiv<char>
You want
template <typename T>
class My2dMassiv{
template <typename U>
friend class MyMaskedMassiv;
// ...